H2 Header – Apsect Ratio 1:1
Image 1:1 (In text, left) mit Headline H5, Text, Numbered List und Button
In economic and climate terms, biomethane is now the most cost-effective and climate-friendly fuel for advancing climate goals and the transport transition in Germany and throughout Europe. The all-round talent is almost CO2 neutral, storable and thus continuously available and therefore not only interesting for the transport sector!
- Preparation and pre-treatment of raw materials
- Biogas production through fermentation and digestion
- Fermentation residue storage
- Biogas utilisation
Image 1:1 (In text, right) mit Caption, Headline H5 und Text
In economic and climate terms, biomethane is now the most cost-effective and climate-friendly fuel for advancing climate goals and the transport transition in Germany and throughout Europe. The all-rounder is almost CO2 neutral, can be stored and is therefore continuously available, making it interesting not only for the transport sector!
In addition, the all-rounder can be used wherever fossil natural gas was previously used: This includes CHP applications as well as demand-based power and heat generation or material use in the chemical industry.

Das ist eine etwas längere Bildunterschrift, die den Bildinhalt beschreibt und textlich etwas ergänzt.
H2 Header – Apsect Ratio 4:3 / 3:2
Image 4:3 (In text, right) mit Headline H3, Text und Button
In economic and climate terms, biomethane is now the most cost-effective and climate-friendly fuel for advancing climate goals and the transport transition in Germany and throughout Europe. The all-rounder is almost CO2 neutral, can be stored and is therefore continuously available, making it interesting not only for the transport sector!

H2 Header – Apsect Ratio 5:3
Image 5:3 (In text, right) mit Headline H4 und Text
In economic and climate terms, biomethane is now the most cost-effective and climate-friendly fuel for advancing climate goals and the transport transition in Germany and throughout Europe. The all-rounder is almost CO2 neutral, can be stored and is therefore continuously available, making it interesting not only for the transport sector!
In addition, the all-rounder can be used wherever fossil natural gas has been used so far: This includes CHP applications as well as on-demand power and heat generation or material use in the chemical industry.

Image 5:3 (In text, left) mit Text
In economic and climate terms, biomethane is now the most cost-effective and climate-friendly fuel for advancing climate goals and the transport transition in Germany and throughout Europe. The all-rounder is almost CO2 neutral, can be stored and is therefore continuously available, making it interesting not only for the transport sector!
H2 Header – Aspect Ratio 16:9 und 21:9

Das ist eine etwas längere Bildunterschrift, die den Bildinhalt beschreibt und textlich etwas ergänzt.
Image 16:9 (In text, left) mit Caption, Headline H5 und Text
p – In economic and climate terms, biomethane is now the most cost-effective and climate-friendly fuel for advancing climate goals and the transport transition in Germany and throughout Europe. The all-rounder is almost CO2 neutral, can be stored and is therefore continuously available, making it interesting not only for the transport sector!
In addition, the all-rounder can be used wherever fossil natural gas has been used so far: This includes CHP applications as well as on-demand power and heat generation or material use in the chemical industry.
Image 16:9 (In text, right) mit Caption, Headline H5 und Text
p – In economic and climate terms, biomethane is now the most cost-effective and climate-friendly fuel for advancing climate goals and the transport transition in Germany and throughout Europe. The all-rounder is almost CO2 neutral, can be stored and is therefore continuously available, making it interesting not only for the transport sector!
In addition, the all-rounder can be used wherever fossil natural gas has been used so far: This includes CHP applications as well as on-demand power and heat generation or material use in the chemical industry.

Das ist eine etwas längere Bildunterschrift, die den Bildinhalt beschreibt und textlich etwas ergänzt.
ENVRELUXUI-108: Listenpunkt 1: Bilder Cropping
Image 21:9 (Below, center) mit Caption, Headline H5 und Text
p – In economic and climate terms, biomethane is now the most cost-effective and climate-friendly fuel for advancing climate goals and the transport transition in Germany and throughout Europe. The all-rounder is almost CO2 neutral, can be stored and is therefore continuously available, making it interesting not only for the transport sector!
In addition, the all-rounder can be used wherever fossil natural gas has been used so far: This includes CHP applications as well as on-demand power and heat generation or material use in the chemical industry.

Hier könnte eine Bildunterschrift stehen
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Hier könnte eine Bildunterschrift stehen.
Video 16:9 (Below, center) mit Headline H3 und Text
In economic and climate terms, biomethane is now the most cost-effective and climate-friendly fuel for advancing climate goals and the transport transition in Germany and throughout Europe. The all-rounder is almost CO2 neutral, can be stored and is therefore continuously available, making it interesting not only for the transport sector!

Das ist eine etwas längere Bildunterschrift, die den Bildinhalt beschreibt und textlich etwas ergänzt.
Image 21:9 (Above, center) mit Headline H4 und Text
In economic and climate terms, biomethane is now the most cost-effective and climate-friendly fuel for advancing climate goals and the transport transition in Germany and throughout Europe. The all-rounder is almost CO2 neutral, can be stored and is therefore continuously available, making it interesting not only for the transport sector!
In addition, the all-rounder can be used wherever fossil natural gas has been used so far: This includes CHP applications as well as on-demand power and heat generation or material use in the chemical industry.

In economic and climate terms, biomethane is now the most cost-effective and climate-friendly fuel for advancing climate goals and the transport transition in Germany and throughout Europe. The all-rounder is almost CO2 neutral, can be stored and is therefore continuously available, making it interesting not only for the transport sector!
In addition, the all-rounder can be used wherever fossil natural gas has been used so far: This includes CHP applications as well as on-demand power and heat generation or material use in the chemical industry.

Image 21:9 (Above, center) mit Headline H4 und Text
p – Volkswirtschaftlich und klimatechnisch ist Biomethan heute der kostengünstigste und klimaschonenste Treibstoff, um die Klimaziele und die Verkehrswende deutschland- und europaweit voran zu bringen. Das Allround-Talent ist nahezu CO2 neutral, speicherbar und somit kontinuierlich verfügbar und daher nicht nur für den Verkehrssektor interessant!
Daneben kann der Allrounder überall dort eingesetzt werden, wo bislang fossiles bedarfsgerechte Strom- und Wärmeerzeugung oder auch die stoffliche Nutzung